Ticket info

Your link to purchase tickets is located in the right-hand corner at the top of each page in this web site.

Early bird pricing & bonus merch
Save 15% through May 15 (and get free merch w/ a three-day student or adult pass):
Three-Day Pass*: $120
Three-Day Student*: $102
Three-Day Age 4 and Under Pass: $30

*These early bird packages also include a free t-shirt and lanyard. ($30 value) These free items are NOT included with three-day passes after May 15.

Beginning May 16:
Three-Day Pass: $150
Single-Day Pass: $50
Student Three-Day Pass: $120
Student Single-Day Pass: $40
Age 4 and Under Three-Day Pass: $45
Age 4 and Under Single-Day Pass: $15